Spotlight: DITCHED by Robin Mellom

Doesn't this book sound fun?

From Goodreads:

High school senior Justina Griffith was never the girl who dreamed of going to prom. Designer dresses and strappy heels? Not her thing. So she never expected her best friend, Ian Clark, to ask her.

Ian, who always passed her the baseball bat handle first.
Ian, who knew exactly when she needed red licorice.
Ian, who promised her the most amazing night at prom.
And then ditched her.
Now, as the sun rises over her small town, and with only the help of some opinionated ladies at the 7-Eleven, Justina must piece together — stain by stain on her thrift-store dress — exactly how she ended up dateless. A three-legged Chihuahua was involved. Along with a demolition derby-ready Cadillac. And there was that incident at the tattoo parlor. Plus the flying leap from Brian Sontag's moving car...
But to get the whole story, Justina will have to face the boy who ditched her. And discover if losing out at prom can ultimately lead to true love.
Filled with humor, charm, and romance, Ditched: A Love Story by debut novelist Robin Mellom will have readers dreaming of love on their own prom nights.
Kirkus says, "For readers with a funny bone that needs a tingle, this should hit the spot."
I really wish there was more funny in YA, so I'm looking forward to reading this one!


Lauren said...

This sounds really fun! Kind of like YA version of The Hangover?

Anonymous said...

Sounds cute, I'll have to check it out!

Lydia Sharp said...

I'm already half-way through this book and I just picked it up today. It is a true romantic comedy, and those are oh-so-difficult to find these days. Hilarious, fun, a quick read, and the romance is just... *swoon*

Jen Bigheart said...

I really enjoyed this book!

The Insouciant Sophisticate said...

I thought this book was very funny; it reminded me of some classic Meg Cabot-a very good comparison!

Erin Brambilla said...

I'm adding this to my to-read list. It sounds really cute. I love a good rom-com.

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