Spotlight Wednesday: FREEFALL by Mindi Scott

How do you come back from the point of no return?
Seth McCoy was the last person to see his best friend Isaac alive, and the first to find him dead. It was just another night, just another party, just another time where Isaac drank too much and passed out on the lawn. Only this time, Isaac didn’t wake up.

Convinced that his own actions led to his friend’s death, Seth is torn between turning his life around . . . or losing himself completely.

Then he meets Rosetta: so beautiful and so different from everything and everyone he’s ever known. But Rosetta has secrets of her own, and Seth will soon realize he isn’t the only one who needs saving . . .

VOYA raves that "Scott does a remarkable job capturing her characters and making them come to life," and the New York Review of Books says its "sure to be one of the best contemporary young adult books of the year."

2:28 p.m.
By seventh period, I was dragging more than ever. The only person I'd spoken to all day since leaving Ms. Naylor's office was the lunch lady who'd given me corn dogs and curly fries. What a switch from last year when I'd spent my lunches getting stoned iwth my brother and our friends. Now Jared had dropped out to get his GED, Mikey had graduated, Isaac had been cremated, and Daniel - who had no excuses - seemed to be missing.  It sucked being alone at school.


Martina Boone said...

Mindi's book looks fantastic. I love the spotlight on a contemporary book. This one sounds very emotional.

Thanks for the post!

Tara said...

I got my copy of this yesterday, and I'm about 100 pages in. Loving it :) I like that it's written from a guy's perspective - I rarely get a chance to read that, so it's interesting :)

Denise Jaden said...

Yay Mindi!!! And yes, this book is as awesome as it sounds!

Micol Ostow said...

Just started this yesterday and loving it! Yay, Mindi! And what great early buzz!

Rachel Harris said...

Great trailer. This book sounds great! Thanks for the spotlight

Melissa Walker said...

AHH, love that excerpt and the trailor. So powerful!

aisyahputrisetiawan said...

Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)

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