Spotlight Wednesday: LIKE MANDARIN

Almost exactly two years ago, I met Kirsten Hubbard on a writing forum we both frequented.

We were both writing contemporary novels, we were both seeking agents, but other than that, I knew very little about the phenomenal writer who later became one of my best friends in the business.

Kirsten and I have led almost parallel journeys in the publishing world. We signed with our agents within a week of each other and our books sold within a day of each other. We often joked that she was my pub-twin. I was privileged enough to read a draft of LIKE MANDARIN early, right after it sold, and it blew my mind even then.

LIKE MANDARIN, which debuted yesterday, is a gorgeous, powerful, literary YA novel. I was amazed by the attention to detail, how each sentence seemed to be expertly crafted. The story of a girl in search of true beauty and, ultimately, freedom resonated with me, as I know it will with many other readers. It’s a book you can’t help getting sucked into.

This beautiful novel is about 14-year-old Grace, a girl living in the badlands of Wyoming. Even in the beauty pageant world her mother has pushed her and her little sister into, Grace has trouble finding true beauty. But she thinks she has found it in Mandarin Ramey, the 17-year-old town slut. Grace would give anything to be just like Mandarin, and when the two are assigned to work together on a project, an explosive, intense friendship forms.

I loved this book then, and I love it now. It is emotional and raw and powerful and deep and everything a coming-of-age novel should be. Kirsten is one of the best writers in our genre, and I’m so happy to say that I know her.


So go out and buy LIKE MANDARIN! But before you do, check out this GORGEOUS book trailer!


Micol Ostow said...

I am so excited about this book!

Pam Harris said...

This book was AMAZING! Everyone should go out and buy a copy. :)

Melissa Walker said...

Ahhh, I love this trailer. I love the feel of everything I've read about this book. Can't wait to get lost in it.

aisyahputrisetiawan said...

Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)

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