Happy New Year

Because we're taking the week off between Christmas and New Year's, this is our last post until 2011, so we just wanted to take this opportunity to say


Thank you for all of your support these past five months, and for all of your enthusiasm about our books. We hope you'll continue to follow along and read with us next year, as we have so many more FABULOUS books to share with you.

The past few years, I've tried to think of a word or phrase that encompasses my goals and dreams for the coming year. A theme for the year, so to speak, rather than a resolution - which often ends up being something we challenge ourselves to change and then really... don't. 

One year my theme was "Fun and laughter." Another year it was, "Don't worry, be happy." 

This year, my theme is going to be "Believe." Believe in myself. Believe I am on the right path for me. Believe good things are around every corner. I love the way I feel when I think of the word "believe."

What about you? If you had to pick a word or phrase - a theme for yourself for 2011 - what would it be?



Mrs. DeRaps said...

My phrase for 2011 is all about positivity. 2010 has been a little stressful and dark. So, I'm going to say that mine is:

Let the sunshine in!

Like the old song, I guess. Not super original, but we need some light here!

Happy 2011!

Micol Ostow said...

Oh, I love "believe" as a theme for the year - Lisa, do you mind if I borrow it for 2011?

Michael Northrop said...

Happy New Year! I believe 2011 is going to be a great year for contemporary YA!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just found out this blog and I have to say Congratulations! I love contemporary fiction and I think there should be more of these amazing books on the shelves of everybody. And it's as you've said:those books show us we're not alone in the world.
Keep up with the amazing work on this amazing blog you have here

Oh, and a happy 2011

Melissa Walker said...

2011 will be a Contemporary year! I want to believe too, and I just finished the fantastic SORTA LIKE A ROCK STAR by Matthew Quick, so I think I'll swipe a word from rock star Amber Appleton in that book and say my 2011 word is HOPE.

aisyahputrisetiawan said...

Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)

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